Serving The People Of District 107

Home Issues

Taxes & Spending

New York’s tax burden is one of the highest in the nation, and here in the Capital Region, we face some of the highest taxes in the state. As a community leader, it deeply saddens me to hear stories of families leaving for more affordable states. I have been diligently working to lower our tax burden, create efficiencies, and streamline services in order to reduce taxes. It’s disheartening to witness New York City politicians spending our tax dollars to fix their own mismanagement. We believe our hard-earned money should stay with us, not the government. That’s why I have authored the School Property Tax Reduction Act, which aims to ensure that Albany pays for more of what it legislates. This act has the potential to significantly cut an average homeowner’s property taxes by 75 percent. I am also actively advocating for the elimination of wasteful spending, such as lavish tax credits for Hollywood movie producers and the failed START-UP NY program initiated by former Gov. Cuomo. It’s time to prioritize the needs of our families and put an end to unnecessary financial burdens.

Opioid Epidemic

I recognizes the devastating impact of the heroin and opioid epidemic on our community, particularly the lives of our children. Addiction, an indiscriminate disease, has touched the lives of countless individuals – neighbors, friends, family members, and colleagues alike. Together with the Assembly Republican Conference, I have actively engaged in statewide grassroots forums to combat this crisis. Sincere efforts are underway in Albany to implement effective solutions for our community.

Economic Development
Our state currently has the 49th worst ranked business climate in the country. To truly make New York a welcoming place for businesses, we need to create an environment that is business-friendly and encourages job growth and earning, rather than punishing success. It is disheartening to hear how much more affordable it is to start a business in neighboring Pennsylvania compared to New York, and I am determined to change that. I strongly oppose programs like START-UP NY, Regional Economic Development Councils, and the Buffalo Billion, all of which were initiated by the governor and have become breeding grounds for corruption. These programs favor a select few, leaving the rest of us to compete for meager resources. I am committed to restoring transparency in these corrupt programs and implementing job reporting requirements to ensure that our hard-earned tax dollars are actually used to create employment opportunities. It is unacceptable for our governor and Albany politicians to misuse our tax dollars by hosting extravagant award shows or granting years of tax amnesty to out-of-state companies. My primary focus is on reducing bureaucratic obstacles and assisting small businesses, many of which are family-owned, in navigating regulations, business taxes, and the detrimental impact of the minimum wage hike. By doing so, we can generate more jobs, support local profits, and foster the growth of homegrown businesses. Join me, Scott Bendett, in revitalizing New York’s economic development.
Ethics Reform
Albany has become the laughingstock of state governments. Too many entrenched politicians have lost sight of the struggles of the middle class and use their cozy positions to betray taxpayers and the public trust. The trials of Sheldon Silver and former Gov. Cuomo’s top aides are a stark reminder that Albany is far from transparent and real ethics reform is far past due. Corrupt lawmakers need to be locked up in prison, repay anything they stole from taxpayers, and have their pensions removed for life. We need to make an example of dishonesty and prevent the rich and powerful from leaving in a golden parachute. I will continue calling out corruption in Albany, no matter the party, and will fight to see that the Public Officers Accountability Act becomes law – the strongest anti-corruption legislation in state history. This is the people’s government, and corrupt lawmakers need to know, if they break the law, they are going to prison.
Protecting the Environment

Protecting the Environment. The Capital Region is truly one of the most breathtaking places on Earth, a close-knit community rich in history and a splendid haven to call home. Safeguarding the environment has always been a passion close to my heart. Whether it involves securing funding to guarantee clean and dependable drinking water, preserving our trails, boat launches, and parks, or ensuring air quality protection, I am committed to leaving our home even better than we found it.

Infrastructure is the foundation of a thriving community, essential for economic growth. Reliable roads, bridges, and highways are crucial for efficient emergency services, businesses transporting goods across the state, and families commuting to and from home. I am dedicated to increasing CHIPS funding, the primary mechanism for local road repair, and building upon the successful PAVE-NY, BRIDGE-NY, and Extreme Winter Recovery programs from the recent budget agreement. Maintaining our infrastructure not only creates jobs and supports a robust economy, but it also provides us all with a sense of security and peace of mind.
Protecting First Responders
Protecting First Responders. Our police, firefighters, and emergency services personnel are devoted and selfless individuals in our community, tirelessly working to combat crime and keep us safe. Unfortunately, these groups have recently faced an unprecedented surge in criticism and hostility, with radical factions unfairly blaming these brave men and women. As the advocate for the Blue Lives Matter bill, I am actively pushing for certain crimes against first responders to be classified as hate crimes. Additionally, I have successfully passed legislation to enhance disability benefits for volunteer firefighters battling cancer. I unwaveringly support these courageous individuals who risk their lives daily, and I vow to continue being their voice in Albany.
I proudly support the Capital Region exceptional farmers. I will continue to actively champion the “Grown in New York” campaign, working tirelessly to boost the sale of locally grown produce and introduce legislation that promotes the use of local products in schools. Farmers in the Capital Region can depend on me to passionately advocate for their interests in Albany.